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Autor:  OZapacita [ Joi Noi 25, 2010 7:09 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Povestioare

Am citit azi, ceva dragut la noi pe forumul privat, si ma gandeam ca poate ati vrea sa incercati si voi. Alcatuiti o scurta povestioara care sa contina cat mai multe emoticoane.

Imi cer scuze colegilor mei, Shadow si Azael, dar am sa dau exemplu povestioara lor, de fapt a lui Azael adresata lui Shadow.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Azael. scrie:
Imagine <---- Shadow meets the girl
:wub: <------ shadow after he met the girl
:blush: Shadow's Girl ------> :lovers: <----- Azael :blush:
:sadangel: :mort: Shadow after Azael meets Shadow's girl


Autor:  Azael [ Joi Noi 25, 2010 8:59 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Povestioare

Azael ------> :angry: :angry: <-------- Zapacita

Azael ------> :rant: :rant: <-------- Zapacita
Azael -------> :bangin: <----- Zapacita
Zapacita -------> :bangin: <------ Azael

Nimeni -------> :hooray:
Azael ------> :flowers: :coolio: <----- Zapacita

Azael ----> :beer2: <----- Zapacita

Autor:  Azael [ Joi Noi 25, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Povestioare

Al_Mic ----------> :angry: :diablo: <------------ Scoala
Al_Mic ---------> :chair: <------- Parents
Al_Mic ----------> :cry:
Parents ---------> :bangin:
Parents ---------> :bangin:
And again Parents ---------> :bangin:
And again Parents ---------> :bangin:
Al_Mic ------> :sorry: :book: :book:
Al_Mic ------> :angry: :fuckit:
Al_Mic -------> :mort:

Azael ----> :beer: :happy2:
:sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky:

Autor:  adinaeucriss [ Joi Dec 16, 2010 2:24 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Povestioare

Vai, cat sunt de superbe povestioarele, iar cel cu Mos Craciun e bestial...unde ai gasit emoticoanele alea, vreau si eu, sunt de sezon si imi plac enorm. :clap2:

Autor:  Azael [ Dum Ian 23, 2011 12:14 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Re: Povestioare

Lautari -----> :serenade: :serenade: :serenade: :serenade: / :lovers: <---- Indragostiti
Azael -----> :chair: :cry: :rant: :cry: ---- Lautari fericiti :biggrin: ----> :serenade: :serenade: <-----> Happy wierd lautari listening lovers ----> :lovers:
Azael -----> :angry: :cry:
Lautari fericiti :biggrin: ----> :serenade: :serenade: <-----> Happy wierd lautari listening lovers ----> :lovers:
Azael -----> :slap: Imagine / Imagine <------ God
Lautari -----> :serenade: :serenade: :serenade: :serenade: / :lovers: <---- Indragostitii
God -----> :evil2:
Lautari -----> :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
God -----> :excl: Imagine
Lautari -----> Imagine /Imagine <-------- God
Lautari ----> :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: :mort: / :clap2: -------> Azael
Azael -----> :sneaky: / :unsure: :unsure: <----- Happy wierd lautari listening lovers
Azael -----> Imagine / Imagine <----- Happy wierd lautari listening lovers
Azael ------> :beer: :beer: <------ God
P.S.: Lautari ------> :cry: :cry: :cry: / Imagine <------ Hellfire
Happy wierd lautari listening lovers -----> :cry: :cry: :cry: / Imagine <----- Hellfire.

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